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Waec 1998 Literature in English Past QuestionsQuestion 121:EFUAT. SUTHERLAND: The Marriage of Anansewa Speaker A: Haven't you stayed at home for nearly two weeks because your fees are owing? And am I not still straining to find the money? Speaker B: Yes Speaker B is A. Ekuwa B. Anansewa C. Ananse D. Akosua Question 122:Read the this passage carefully and answer the question Speaker A: Delicious news cut a little whisky with me, Mr Honourable Hey, bring the drinks!......Sweet news Mr. Honourable (They drink) Did he specify the day? Speaker B: Oh yes. Two weeks today, The 'delicious news' is delivered by A. The postman B. Chief who is chief C. The honourable D. The messenger Question 123:Read the this passage carefully and answer the question Speaker A: Delicious news cut a little whisky with me, Mr Honourable Hey, bring the drinks!......Sweet news Mr. Honourable (They drink) Did he specify the day? Speaker B: Oh yes. Two weeks today, Speaker A is A. Anansewa B. Chief who is chief C. The messenger D. Ananse Question 124:Read the this passage carefully and answer the question: I have returned safely home after my visit to you They little affair about which we spoke seriously Occupies my thoughts. How can I ever forget that you have done me great honour? To show my gratitude. I will guard the object of your interest.... with all the vigilance in my power...... The speaker is A. Chief Sapa B. Anansewa C. Ananse D. Chief who is chief Question 125:Read the this passage carefully and answer the question: I have returned safely home after my visit to you They little affair about which we spoke seriously Occupies my thoughts. How can I ever forget that you have done me great honour? To show my gratitude. I will guard the object of your interest.... with all the vigilance in my power...... The 'little affair' is about A. Ananse B. Togbe Klu IV C. Chief Sapa D. Anansewa |
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