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Saturday, 29 June 2024


English Language 2018 Waec Past Questions and Answers

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English Language 2018 Waec Past Questions

Question 26 :

After the following sentence, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for the sentence.
After months of battling with stroke, he is now a shadow of his former self. This means that he

A. Is now frail
B. Is vulnerable
C. Is hopeless
D. Has almost recovered

Question 27 :

After the following sentence, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for the sentence.
Kura, you can't be too careful when dealing with Wang. This means that Kura.

A. Has no reason to be suspicious of Wang
B. Can fully rely on Wang
C. Has to be very careful in his relationship with Wang
D. May feel free in the company of Wang

Question 28 :

After the following sentence, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for the sentence.
Don't tell me another cock and bull story. This means that the speaker does not want to.

A. Be further baffled
B. Hear the same old story
C. Hear another drab story
D. Be further deceived

Question 29 :

After the following sentence, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for the sentence.
Had he confessed much earlier, she would have trusted him. This means that he

A. Had confessed earlier on, but he wasn't trusted
B. Had confessed much earlier on and he was trusted
C. Hadn't confessed much earlier on and he was trusted
D. Hadn't confessed earlier on, and wasn't trusted

Question 30 :

After the following sentence, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for the sentence.
Kola: You really worked hard to win the case.
Didia: You don't know the half of it. This means that.

A. It wasn't as difficult as Kola had thought
B. Kola's statement wasn't actually correct
C. It was even more difficult than Kola could imagine
D. Winning the case didn't mean much to Kola

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