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Waec 1991 English language Past QuestionsQuestion 96:Write an article suitable for publication in a foreign magazine on the traditional marriage system of your people. Question 97:The transistor radio you bought from a department store with a two-year guarantee developed a fault after six months. You took it to the technical section of the store where the foreman refused to accept it, alleging that the guarantee did not cover the fault reported. Write a letter to the General Manager of the store lodging your complaint, explaining the nature of the fault and requesting the store to fulfill its guarantee. Question 98:Tell a story that ends with the words: It was a bitter experience, but I learnt my lesson. Question 99:You have just ended your tenure as the president of the youth club in your community. Write a speech which will be delivered at the last general meeting before you leave office, recounting your achievements and expressing your hopes for the future of the club. Question 100:Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it. It has been found by researchers in education that the odds are stacked high against the learner from a deprived socio-economic background. A learner, whose parents are illiterate, whose. parents earn poor income, who has no access to the electronic media of information, and who has no educated siblings or peers to learn from, faces an uphill task in his educational career. The task is even more difficult if the learner lives in an obscure rural area for he is then cut off from modern civilization. The learner from an academically enriched background, whose parents are highly learned and financially stable, and who has constant access to the electronic media, has a head start over his deprived counterparts from the village. Therefore, it is unfair that learners from different backgounds should face the same competition for admission into higher institutions or for employment opportunities since nobody determines their background. Unfair as the practice may be, it is not easy to work out an alternative system. n e first place, distinguishing between students from academically enriched and those from educationally deprived backgrounds and reserving some places for the latter, would amount to double standard. Indeed, such a policy would inevitably engender a number of malpractices on the part of candidates. Moreover, formulating a policy by which learners from educationally deprived background are given special employment opportunities would tend to play down the practice of selection on the basis of merit. It does appear that the way out is to minimize the odds against which the less advantaged learners have to struggle. If rural communities are improved, and if conscious efforts are made to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, much would have been done to help the socio-economically disadvantaged learners overcome some of the odds against them. (a) Mention three factors that distinguish the two classes of learners described in the passage. (b) Which word in the first paragraph shows that the writer based the article on facts and not on speculation? (c) Why does the writer say that the present practice is unfair? (d) Give two reasons why the writer thinks that there is no alternative to the present practice. (e) Whose parents are highly learned and financially stable? (i) What grammatical name is given to the expression? (ii) What is its function as used in the sentence? (f) Give one word or phrase which can replace each of the following words as used in the passage: (i) deprived; (ii) career; (iii) counterpart; (iv) practice (vii) distinguishing. |
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