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Saturday, 29 June 2024


English Language 1989 Waec Past Questions and Answers

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English Language 1989 Waec Past Questions

Question 31 :

From the lettered A to E below the sentence, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined expression as it is used in the sentence.
The monk lived an ascetic life in order to discipline himself.

A. A holy
B. An enjoyable
C. A religious
D. A prayerful
E. An austere

Question 32 :

After the sentence, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider appropriate for each sentence.
Despite their newness on the workers were remunerated rather handsomely. This means that

A. The sum paid was poor
B. Those paid were handsome in appearance
C. The system of payment was quite attractive
D. The sum paid out was quite attractive
E. The workers were paid by handsome officials

Question 33 :

After the sentence, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider appropriate for each sentence..
The plan to upgrade the dispensary to a general hospital did not materialize. This means that

A. The arrangement did not work out as wished
B. The plan was badly executed
C. It was difficult to obtain the materials
D. The materials purchased were not the right ones
E. The plan did not meet the required specifications

Question 34 :

After the sentence, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider appropriate for each sentence.
When the principal was asked what his opinion was on the controversial issue, his reply was ambiguous. This means that the principal's reply was not

A. Convincing
B. Audible
C. Intelligent
D. Clear
E. Comprehensible

Question 35 :

After the sentence, a list of possible interpretations of all or part of the sentence is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider appropriate for each sentence.
Even though Susan was the last in the examination, her result wasn't too different from what had been expected. This means that

A. Her result was as expected
B. She had not been serious with her studies
C. Her result was known early
D. Her poor performance made her feel sad
E. Her result was a disappointment

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