Waec Data Processing Past QuestionsQuestion 271:An entrepreneur who wishes to send digital data over a telephone line would need a ____________ A. Hub B. Modem C. Router D. Switch Question 272:Graphical User Interface is considered user friendly because of the following reasons except that it ____________ A. Compels the user to learn all the command before operating the system B. Displays all the actions available to the user for easy access. C. Is easier for user to operate and understand D. Makes the icons and menu familiar to the user Question 273:Figure 1 depicts ____________ A. A distributed database B. A parallel database C. An extranet D. An internet Question 274:(a) What is a function in MS Excel? (b) List two categories of functions in MS Excel. (c) What is the cell referencing in MS Excel. (d)(i) State two types of cell referencing in MS Excel. (ii) Give one example of each type in 1(d)(i) Question 275:Ciroma Chukwuma Adekunle has just opened a computer business centre within a school environment. (a) State three computer services that may be provided in the business center (b) List three devices required in the business centre (c) Give two applications software needed in the business centre. (d) Outline two precautions that must be taken by Ciroma Chukwuma Adekunle to ensure the safety of this computer if he accepts documents in movable devices from his customers. |
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