Waec Animal Husbandry Past QuestionsQuestion 281:A distention of stomach in ruminants due to accumulation of gas as a result of consumption of lush pasture is known as A. Bloat B. Ketosis C. Rickets D. Scurvy Question 282:(a) State 6 activities that could be carried out in the brooding of chicks (b) Explain each of the following management practices in poultry production i. deworming ii. culling iii. debeaking iv. delousing (c) State four signs of ill health in poultry (d) Mention to organs in the circulatory system of farm animals Question 283:(a) Complete the table below on forage crops
(b)i. Define the term pasture ii. State four ways in which grass-legume mixture is important in livestock production (c) State six characteristics of rangelands Question 284:(a) Mention five ways of preventing malnutrition in farm animals. (b) Discuss rickets in farm animals stating two points each under the following headings. (i) causes: (ii) symptoms: (iii) control measures (iv) animals which could be affected (c) Explain the term additive as used in animal nutrition (d) State five reasons why additives are included in animal feed Question 285:(a) State four ways in which livestock 1s important (b)i. Mention sIx organs associated with the digestive system in rabbits. (ii) State two functions of the alimentary canal in livestock (c)i. State lour functions of the liver in farm animals (ii) Mention two parasites that could be found in the liver of cattle (d) State two differences between the digestive s systems of a goat and a rabbit |
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