Post Utme Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Past QuestionsQuestion 526:Daniel was delivered from the den of lions for all the following reasons except ____________ A. His holiness and faith B. His kindness C. God's love for him D. God's might power Question 527:Name three places Christian religious people look up to find the truth about the nature of God. A. In the sacred scripture B. In the church C. In the religious leaders D. In their conscience Question 528:What are the lessons of Jesus conversation with the Samaritan woman to you? (John. 4:7-15). A. By his action of chatting with the woman. Jesus broke the cultural barriers of his day B. Christians in Nigeria must break cultural or ethnic harriers and share Christ's love with others irrespective of cultural and ethnic differences C. He bridged the social gap between Jew-Samaritan animosity D. He bridged the gender gap between Jewish-male and 2 gentle-female differences. Question 529:Explain why Jesus was identified as the Lamb by John (Jn. 1:29) A. Lamb of God is a figurative language which 2 describes Christ sacrificial mission in the world B. He is being compared to the Passover lamb that would atomic 2 for the sins of all C. Because the lamb is attentive to his owner D. It shows patience. meekness, gentleness and innocence Question 530:Who do people say the son of man is? Jesus asks this question to know people's A. Desire B. Demand C. Mind D. Opinion |
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