Two points X and Y both on latitude 60oS have longitude147oE and 153oW respectively. Find to the nearest kilometer the distance between X and Y measured along the parallel of latitude(Take 2\(\pi\)R = 4 x 104km, where R is the radius of the earth)
A. 16667km B. 28850km C. 8333km D. 2233km
Correct Answer: A
Length of an area = \(\frac{\theta}{360}\) x 2\(\pi\)r Longitude difference = 147 + 153 = 30NoN distance between xy = \(\frac{\theta}{360}\) x 2\(\pi\)R cos60o = \(\frac{300}{360}\) x 4 x 104 x \(\frac{1}{2}\) = 1.667 x 104km(1667 km)