Marketing Past QuestionsQuestion 266:The systematic design,collection,analysis and reporting of data for decision making is marketing ____________ A. Planning B. Strategy C. Audit D. Research Question 267:Which of the following distribution channels is suitable for the sale of cosmetics? A. Producer + Consumer B. Producer +Wholesaler + Consumer C. Producer + Wholesaler + Retailer + Wholesaler D. Producer + Agent + Consumer Question 268:The form of non-personal communication whereby information about a company's product is transmitted and paid for through mass media is ____________ A. Personal selling B. Marketing C. Public relations D. Advertising Question 269:An activity in marketing research process is ____________ A. Decision making B. Marketing testing C. Information gathering D. Product testing Question 270:The pricing strategy which involves the addition of a margin to the total amount spend on production by a company is ____________ A. Psychological pricing B. Cost-plus pricing C. Competitive pricing D. Geographical pricing |
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