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Literature in English Past QuestionsQuestion 3816:Literature is studied as a subject at school because A. It exposes students to the realities of life B. It provides entertainment C. It merely gives additional work to students D. It teaches the use of words Question 3817:In The Flight to Australia', the following line occurs: 'Tier upon tier it towered, the terrible Apennines'. The figure of speech used in this line is known as A. Alliteration B. Litotes C. Exaggeration D. Parody Question 3818:Based on the novel; Kossoh Town Boy If we describe Kossoh Town Boy as an autobiography, we mean that it is A. A historical novel B. A piece of writing telling us about the Life of its author C. A short story D. A narrative tale Question 3819:You cannot know And should not bother Tide and market come and go And so shall your mother In this verse the poet uses A. Alternate rhymes B. Monomyme C. Couplets D. Triplets Question 3820:Another shoal of cars swam past. One, in particular, caught his eyes, a long slender thing, elegant as a swallow, all gleaming blue and silver; a thousand guineas it would have cost, he thought. In the first sentence, cars are described in terms of A. Birds B. Ants C. Fish D. Lampposts |
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