These question are based on selected poems from Johnson, R. et al (eds.): New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.): Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds): A Selection of African Poetry; Umukoro M. et al: Exam Focus: Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.): Longman Examination Guides: Poetry for Senior Secondray Schools NWOGA, d.i. (ED.) wEST aFRICAN vERSE. "Listen...they will tell you... to beat drums is mere children's play, the adult's is to start echoes... The lines above from Launkos' End of the War, enhance the
A. language of the poem B. use of imagery C. rhyme of the poem D. rythm of the poem