This question is based on selected poem from Ker, D. et al (eds.):New Poetry from Africa; Soyinka, W. (ed.):Poems of Black Africa; Senanu, K.E. and Vincent, T. (eds):A selection of African poetry; Umukoro, M. et al (eds.): Exam Focus Literature in English; Eruvbetine, A.E. et al (eds.); Longman Examination Guides; Nwoga, D.I.(ed.); West Africa Verse and Adeoti G.: Naked Soles'The silence of the battlefield heralds the widow's anguish.'The widow in the lines above in Launko's End of the War is in anguish because of the
A. confirmation of her husband's death B. uncertainty over husband returning alive C. delay in the husband's return from the battlefield D. death of all the soldiers in the battlefield