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Jamb 2022 The Life Changer Past QuestionsQuestion 1481:What is the main reason Salim downloaded dating applications on his smartphone? A. To find a girlfriend B. To make new friends C. To pass the time D. The passage does not provide enough information to answer the question Question 1482:Why did Salim's friend, Lawal, refuse to accompany him to meet his "girlfriend"? A. He did not believe Salim's girlfriend was real. B. He had other plans. C. He wanted Salim to go alone first. D. He did not approve of Salim's behavior. Question 1483:What did Salim's friend, Lawal, say when Salim showed him a picture of his "girlfriend"? A. "She's Indian, right?" B. "She's beautiful!" C. "I've seen her before." D. The passage does not provide enough information to answer the question. Question 1484:What did Salim think of his "girlfriend's" voice? A. It was not very attractive. B. It was beautiful and princess-like. C. It was hard to hear over the phone. D. The passage does not provide enough information to answer the question. Question 1485:What did Salim's "girlfriend" look like when he finally met her? A. She looked just like her profile picture. B. She was even more beautiful than he imagined. C. She was a completely different person from her profile picture. D. The passage does not provide enough information to answer the question. |
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