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Descriptive Comprehension passage - Jamb English Language Past Questions and Answers

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Jamb English Language Past Questions

Jamb Past Questions and Answers on Descriptive Comprehension passage

Question 256:

Setting up a news paper involves a lot of preparations. The __11__ has to employ a lot of people. Other people working with him are cartographers, editors, typesetters, readers, who work in various ways to produce the text of the newspaper, __12__, who go out and collect story and items of news, and __13__, who specialize in one kind of topic. Another important person who works closely with the Editor-in-Chief is the __14__, who has to choose the most important stories__15__ go through stories sent to them and make necessary adjustments.
The Editor-in-Chief could determine for instance, whether a particular journalist should write articles daily or weekly in a particular column. Such a journalist is known as __16__. The editorials of the news paper will be coordinated by __17__. The publisher could decide to establish __18__ which would be on sale weekly, fortnightly, or monthly,__19__ the eyes catching, screaming headlines and captions of newspapers on sale everyday from the __20__.

Choose the most appropriate option for the gap labelled 16.

A. An essayist
B. A freelancer
C. Composer
D. Columnist

Question 257:

Setting up a news paper involves a lot of preparations. The __11__ has to employ a lot of people. Other people working with him are cartographers, editors, typesetters, readers, who work in various ways to produce the text of the newspaper, __12__, who go out and collect story and items of news, and __13__, who specialize in one kind of topic. Another important person who works closely with the Editor-in-Chief is the __14__, who has to choose the most important stories__15__ go through stories sent to them and make necessary adjustments.
The Editor-in-Chief could determine for instance, whether a particular journalist should write articles daily or weekly in a particular column. Such a journalist is known as __16__. The editorials of the news paper will be coordinated by __17__. The publisher could decide to establish __18__ which would be on sale weekly, fortnightly, or monthly,__19__ the eyes catching, screaming headlines and captions of newspapers on sale everyday from the __20__.

Choose the most appropriate option for the gap labelled 17.

A. An agent
B. A guild of researchers
C. An editorial board
D. All readers

Question 258:

Setting up a news paper involves a lot of preparations. The __11__ has to employ a lot of people. Other people working with him are cartographers, editors, typesetters, readers, who work in various ways to produce the text of the newspaper, __12__, who go out and collect story and items of news, and __13__, who specialize in one kind of topic. Another important person who works closely with the Editor-in-Chief is the __14__, who has to choose the most important stories__15__ go through stories sent to them and make necessary adjustments.
The Editor-in-Chief could determine for instance, whether a particular journalist should write articles daily or weekly in a particular column. Such a journalist is known as __16__. The editorials of the news paper will be coordinated by __17__. The publisher could decide to establish __18__ which would be on sale weekly, fortnightly, or monthly,__19__ the eyes catching, screaming headlines and captions of newspapers on sale everyday from the __20__.

Choose the most appropriate option for the gap labelled 18.

A. A gazetteer
B. An article
C. A column
D. A magazine

Question 259:

Setting up a news paper involves a lot of preparations. The __11__ has to employ a lot of people. Other people working with him are cartographers, editors, typesetters, readers, who work in various ways to produce the text of the newspaper, __12__, who go out and collect story and items of news, and __13__, who specialize in one kind of topic. Another important person who works closely with the Editor-in-Chief is the __14__, who has to choose the most important stories__15__ go through stories sent to them and make necessary adjustments.
The Editor-in-Chief could determine for instance, whether a particular journalist should write articles daily or weekly in a particular column. Such a journalist is known as __16__. The editorials of the news paper will be coordinated by __17__. The publisher could decide to establish __18__ which would be on sale weekly, fortnightly, or monthly,__19__ the eyes catching, screaming headlines and captions of newspapers on sale everyday from the __20__.

Choose the most appropriate option for the gap labelled 19.

A. A contrast in
B. A contrast from
C. A contrast for
D. A contrast to

Question 260:

Malnutrition has been described as a tragedy of great magnitude. WHO (World Health Organisation) declares that it is an accomplice in at least half of the 10.4 million child deaths each year. Malnutrition covers a wide range of illness from under-nourishment due to a lack of one or more nutrients such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies to obesity and other diet-related chronic diseases. However, Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is by far the lethal form of malnutrition. Malnutrition is not restricted to children. It casts long shadows in the developing world according to WHO.
Industrialized countries are not free from the scourge of malnutrition as about 11 million people suffer from it. Malnutrition is caused by a deficiency in the intake of nutrients by the cells of the body and it is usually triggered by a combination of factors, an insufficient intake of proteins, calories, vitamins and minerals and frequent infections. Illnesses such as diarrhea, measles, malaria, and respiratory diseases that the body heavily and cause loss of nutrients. They reduce appetite and food intake thus contributing to malnutrition.
Children are at a greater risk of suffering malnutrition. This is because they are in a period of rapid growth that increases the demand for calories and proteins. For Similar reasons pregnant and nursing women are easily prone to malnutrition.
Frequently the baby’s problem begins even before birth. If a mother is undernourished or malnourished before and during pregnancy, the baby will have low weight. Then early weaning, poor feeding habits and lack of hygiene can bring malnutrition. Malnutrition wreaks havoc on the body particularly that of a child and various studies have shown that poor growth in the child is associated with impaired mental development and poor scholastic and intellectual performance. A report from united state calls these effects the most serious long term results of malnutrition. For children who survived malnutrition the aftermath can linger on into adulthood.

What, according to the passage is the most lethal form of malnutrition?

A. Menial deficiencies
B. Obesity
C. Diet-related chronic diseases
D. Protein-energy malnutrition

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