Discuss the significance of the year 622 C.E. in history of Islam.
*The year 622 C.E. was the year Prophet (S.A.W.) migrated from Makkah to Yathrib.
*It was after he had received divine directive and assurance of safety from the Yathribites.
*The year 622 C.E. marked the end of the Makkan period and the beginning of the Madinan era.
*The City of Yathribite was renamed the City of the Prophet (Madinatun-Nabiyyi)
*It facilitated the expansion of Islam beyond Makkah.
*The Hijrah gave birth to the first mosque (Masjid an-Nabawiyyi)
*The first Headquarters of Islam was established upon the Prophet;s arrival in Yathrib.
*Consequent upon the above, Islam became a state religion (Ummah).
*The Hijrah prepared enough grounds for the institutionalization of major acts of worship such as Ṣalat, Sawm,Zakāt and Hajj.
*The Hijrah made it possible for Muslims to worship openly without hindrance.
*The Prophet was accorded recognition not only as religious authority but also as a Statesman.
*It established bonds of brotherhood between the Muhajirun and the Ansar (Ukhuwwah).
*The year marked a turning point in history of Islam and Muslims.
*The Hijrah led to the promulgation of the Madinan document (constitution)
*The constitution brought about peace and stability between the Muslims and non- Muslims.
*The Islamic calendar has its origin traced to the year 622 C.E.
*The migration paved way for the conquest of Makkah in 630 C.E.