The five most important Prophets in Islam were ____________
A. Yahya Zakariyya, Dawud. Sulayman. Adam B. Muhammad. Nuh. Ibrahim, Musa. Isa C. Muhammad. Nuh. Dhul-Kifl, idris. Harun D. Ibrahim. Musa. Isa, Adam. Ayyub
Correct Answer: B
Among those whom He chose and preferred over others were the Messengers of strong will [Uloo']-Azm. see al-Ahqaaf 46:35]. namely. Muhammad. Ibraaheem. Nooh. Moosa and "Eesaa ibn Maryam. may the best of blessings and peace be upon them. And He chose and favoured above them all their leader. the final Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad ibn -Abd-Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be