Government Past QuestionsQuestion 46:The term ultra vires means_________ A. The exercise of supervisory functions by the judiciary B. A situation where a public authority dutifully performs its functions C. A situation where a public authority acts beyond the scope of its duties D. The act of exercising administrative competence over a matter Question 47:One of the following reasons is unlikely to necessitate the emergence of a federal system? A. Social factors B. Geographical factors C. Cultural diversity D. Political sovereignty Question 48:Lobbying is often a strategy adopted by________ A. Political parties B. Public corporations C. Public authorities D. Pressure groups Question 49:A political party often with a radical viewpoint and perspective to sensitive state affairs matters is often labelled as a ___party A. Conservatist B. Liberal C. Democratic D. Elitist Question 50:Opinion sampling maybe necessary for the following reasons except________ A. For aggregating popular thinking and standpoint on a subject matter B. For preparing public expenditure C. To evaluate the political strength of a political party D. To inspire public reasoning on population census |
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