a A legitimate government is one which is acceptable to the people either because it has been lawfully established or through its performance over a period of time.
b(i). Legality: Government comes to power through lawful means
(ii). Acceptability: It is a government that is acceptable by the people
(iii). Recognition: It should be recognised both internally and externally
(iv). Popularity: It should be able to receive popular support from the people
(v). Accountability & Transparency/ good governance: it should be able to be accountable and open in all its activities
(vi). Satisfaction of the needs of the people
(vii). Periodic free and fair elections: it should be able to conduct free and fair elections
(viii). Constitutionalism: It should adhere to the provisions of the constitution
(ix). Mechanism to check arbitrariness, impartial judicial system e.g Ombudsman, vibrant civil soci-ety organisations etc.
(x). Responsiveness to the people's views and opinions
(xi). Respect for rules and regulations, customs and traditions
(xii). Respect for fundamental human right
(xiii). Existence of rule of law
(xiv). Existence of free press
(xv). Popular participation-willingly taking part in all political activities e.g Registration, Rallies, voting etc.