Give three functions and three limitations of the legislature.
Functions: (i) Law making.
(ii) Approval of budget.
(iii) Approval of Presidential nominees.
(iv) Impeachment De public officers/passing a vote of no confidence.
(v) Discussion of national issues.
(vi) Ratification of treaties an: external agreements.
(vii) Investigatory/Oversight functions.
(viii) It serves as a link between the people a-c: government.
(ix) It is responsible for amending the constitution and other laws.
(x) It performs judicial functions e.g. House of Lords in Britain.
(xi) It serves as an electoral college.
(xii) It considers and deals with public petitions, complaints and grievances.
(xiii) It repeals unwanted laws.
(xiv) Approval of declaration of war, and state of emergency.
(xv) Checks and controls delegated legislation.
(xvi) It approves the creation of new states/regions/ local government areas.
Limitations: (I)Constitutional limitation.
(ii) Judicial limitation e.g. judicial review of laws passed by the legislature.
(iii) Executive limitation e.g. dissolution of parliament in the cabinet system/veto power in the presidential system.
(iv) House rules/Standing Orders of the House.
(v) Pressure groups.
(vi) The mass media/Public opinion
(vii) International organization.
(viii) Time/Period limitation.
(ix) The Mace limits the activities of the legislature.
(x) Quorum places limitation on the legislature.
(xi) Inadequate funding.
(xii) Party discipline.