How did the people of any one British West African territory govern themselves before the advent of colonial rule?
Before the advent of colonial rule the people of British West African territory, e.g. Nigeria governed themselves in the following ways:
(i) The people were governed by custom, rules and norms.
(ii) The paramount chief was at the apex of the administration.
(iii)The chiefs and council of elders made laws, i.e., they were the lawmakers.
(iv) The age grades executed laws
(v) The traditional rulers and elders exercised legislative, executive and judicial powers, i.e., there was no separation of powers.
(vi) The chief priests and the secret societies performed religious functions and checked arbitrary use of power by chiefs.
(vii) Queen mothers and palace women performed important roles, e.g. 5. settling disputes among women, advising the chiefs etc.
(viii) The commoners also performed important roles, e.g. 6. manual labour for community development and defence.
(ix) Revenue was raised through tributes and taxes.