The characteristics of feudalism are as follows:
(i) It is based on land ownership.
(ii) Ownership of land is vested in the king, monarch or emperor.
(iii)The serfs (tenants) pay their overlords' annual tributes in money or kind.
(iv) The overlords are duty bound to protect the serfs.
(v) Feudal tenants give military service to the overlords.
(vi) Only a vassal of the lord can receive land.
(vii) Feudalism is characterized by close personal bond between the lords and serfs.
(viii) A vassal keeps the land as long as he performs his feudal duties, e.g. payment of tributes, military service to his overlord.
(ix) The land goes back to the lord when the vassal dies without an heir.
(x) The monarch is the lawmaker, judge and commander over his vassals.