Functions of the Colonial Governor in British West Africa.
(i)Appointment: He appointed, promoted and disciplined or dismissed public servants in the colony.
(ii) Formulation of policies: He formulated social and economic policies for the colony.
(iii) Meetings: The colonial governor presided over the meetings of both the legislative and the executive councils.
(iv) Assent: He assented to all bills passed by the legislative council.
(v) Allocation of land: He approved the allocation of land acquired by the government.
(vi) Power of government: He exercised all the powers of Head of Government on behalf of the British, e.g. declaration of state of emergency, the exercise of the prerogative of mercy.
(vii) Reserved powers: He exercised reserved powers in making laws for the colonies, e.g. powers of veto and certification.
(viii) Appointment of members of the executive and legislative councils: He appointed some of the members of these two arms of government including the ex-officio members.
(ix) Report to the Crown: He reported to the crown through the secretary of state for the colonies.
(x) Ceremonial functions: The governor performed ceremonial functions, e.g., conferment of honors and receiving of dignitaries.