Functions of the Head of Government in a presidential system:
(i) The Head of Government initiates bills and policies for the approval of the parliament.
(ii) He supervises the implementation of Government policies by the civil servant and other government agencies.
(iii) He assents to bills passed by the legislature to become law.
(iv) The Head of Government prepares and presents annual budgets for parliamentary approval.
(v) He also appoints key officials of government, e.g. ministers, ambassadors, political or economic advisers, judges of the superior courts.
(vi) He represents and speaks for his country in international fora, e.g., U.N.O., O.A.U., ECOWAS, etc.
(vii) The Head of Government confers national awards on deserving citizens.
(viii) He signs treaties with foreign states and receives foreign dignitaries.
(ix) He acts as the Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
(x) He exercises the power of prerogative of mercy e.g. pardon for someone who has offended the state.
(xi) He has the right to declare a state of emergency in the country when the situation demands.