Highlight the main changes introduced into the Nigerian Government by the 1963 Constitution.
The main changes introduced into the Nigerian government by the 1963 Constitution are as follows:
(i)The Republican Constitution of 1963 introduced a significant change in Nigeria's political history. The Queen of England ceased to be the Head of State of Nigeria.
(ii) The Head of State now became the President though ceremonial, replacing the Governor-General.
(iii) The president was to be elected by the parliament. He could equally be removed by the same body.
(iv) This constitution also gave powers to the Head of State to appoint, promote and transfer judges. The Judicial Service Commission of 1960 was abolished.
(v) The right of appellate cases to the Privy Council in England was abolished and the supreme court now became the highest court in Nigeria, empowered to attend to all appeal cases.
(vi) The Parliament - Houses of Senate and Representatives can only remove a federal judge with 2/3 forming the majority.
(vii) The 1963 Constitution also brought the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) under the political control of the Attorney - General of the federation.