(b) Explain the various types of political authority.
(a)Political authority is the legal right an individual has to make decisions, laws and to enforce them on the people . It is incumbent on the people to obey such laws and decisions made. Political authority is the acceptance of the right to rule as conferred by the people, irrespective of the sanctions the ruler may possess, for example, the right of head of state to make policies and the legislators to make laws.
(b) Types of Political Authority are:
(i) Legal /Rational authority: The constitution is the basic factor when legal authority is discussed. This is because legal/rational authority is obtainable from the constitution. The powers of the Head of State in a democratic setting is derivable from the constitution.
(ii) Traditional authority: The exercise of this authority is based on traditions and customs of the people. The Obas, Obis, Emirs, etc, exercise such authority based on tradition.
(iii) Charismatic authority: This is the authority based on the belief in the charisma, enviable and special qualities or talent an individual possesses and which in return inspires followership, for example a Prophet.