Describe the role of the cabinet in government.
The role of the cabinet in Government:
(i) Policy formulation: The cabinet formulates both national and international policies of government and submit them to the parliament for necessary approval.
(ii) Execution of laws: The parliament makes and passes the laws and it is the cabinet that sees to their execution. and this involves all the departments.
(iii) Initiation of bills: It is the cabinet that initiates government bills to the parliament.
(iv) Future development plan: The future development plan of a country is also formulated by the cabinet.
(v) It is a link: The cabinet forms a link between the parliament and the executive.
(vi) Programme of the parliament: The programme of the parliament is drawn up by the cabinet.
(vii) Resignation of the cabinet: In Britain, the cabinet system of government is equally referred to as the parliamentary system. This is because of the important role the cabinet is playing in the affairs of government. If the cabinet fails or is not popular in its policies, it may lead to the resignation of the members of cabinet and this will affect the entire government leading to its resignation as well.
(viii) Responsibility: The cabinet takes responsibility of the actions of the civil servants it controls.
(ix) Advice to the sovereign/Queen: The cabinet gives useful advice to the Queen.
(x) Parliamentary control: The cabinet has some degree of control over the parliament. Policies made cannot be altered by the parliament without the cabinet's approval.
(xi) Control and supervision: One of the roles of the cabinet is to control and to supervise the executive.
(xii) It sponsors the policies of the executive and makes sure that the parliament ratifies it.