(a) Explain any five factors that are responsible for the population distribution in West Africa. (b) Outline any five advantages of low population density in some parts of West Africa.
(a) Factors responsible for population distribution in West Africa: (i) Relief (ii) Security reasons (iii) Mining (iv) Drainage. (v) Historical factors (vi) Agricultural/Fertile soil. (vii) Presence of higher educational institution (viii) Presence of higher educational institutions. (ix) Political reasons (x) Diseases/Pests (xi) Cultural factor. (xiii) Availability of water. (xiv) Administration. (xv) Presence if social amenities. (xvi) Accessibility (xvii) Commercial activities.(b) Advantages of low population density. (i) Abundant resources (ii) Low crime rate/easy detection of crime (iii) Low environment pollution. (iv) High standard of living (v) High per capita income (vi) Social cohesion. (vii) Low pressure on social amenities, (viii) Easy flow of traffic (ix) Prices of agricultural commodities are relatively low/Low cost of living.