(a) Describe any three factors responsible for the dominance of light industries in developing countries. (b) Highlight any four advantages of the concentration of industries in areas of developing countries. (c) Outline any three disadvantages of concentration of industries.
[b](a) Describe any three factors responsible for the dominance of light industries in developing countries [/b] (i) Inadequate capital (ii) Inadequate Infrastructural / transportation work (iii) Presence of unskilled labour (iv) Availability Of local raw materials (v) Light industries are not capital Intensive (vi) Inadequate managerial skills for the sustenance of heavy Industries (vii) Inadequate power supply (viii) Inadequate technology (ix) High demand for consumer goods (b) Highlight any four advantages of the concentration of industries in urban areas of developing countries (i) Availability of manpower / labour (ii) Availability of capital/banking service (iii) Improvement In standard of living (iv)Development of Infrastructures / social amenities (v) Development of skilled man-power (vi) Establishment of research centres/inventions and innovations (viii) Industrial linkage/Inter-dependence of Industries (viii) Development of markets Ox) Encourages healthy competitions (x) Stimulates development Of subsidiary Industries.(c) Outline any three disadvantages of concentration of industries in the urban areas of developing countries. (i) Encourages rural-urban migration (ii) Target of attack during war time (iii) Leads to uneven development (iv) High cost of living (v) Increase In crime rate (vi) Environmental pollution (vii) Health hazards (vii) Poor waste management (ix) Pressure on social amenities (x) Development of slums and ghettos.