(b) Factors that favour cattle rearing in the area (1) Favourable climate e.g low relative humidity
(2) Absence of tsetsefly
(3) Adequate pasture I Savanna grassland
(4) Undulating plain
(5) High demand for cattle and its products
(6) Presence of surface water / streams / ponds
(7) Cattle as a symbol of wealth
(8) Availability of veterinary services
(c) Problems of cattle rearing (a) Unreliable and scanty rainfall
(b) Presence of tsetse flies
(c) Overgrazing of pastures
(d) Inadequate drugs and vaccines
(e) Insufficient surface water in the dry season
(f) Poor knowledge of modern ranching
(g) Poor transportation
(h) Inadequate veterinary services
(i) Diseases e.g rinder pest, foot and mouth diseases
(j) Poor response to research and innovations.