(a) Explain three conditions that favour fruit farming in the Mediterranean Regions of Africa. (b) Outline four problems facing fruit farming in the Mediterranean Regions of Africa. (c) Highlight three ways in which fruit farming is of economic important to the Mediterranean Regions.
(a) Conditions that favour fruit farming in the Mediterranean Regions of Africa (i) Temperature of about 25°C – 27°C (ii) Winter rainfall of 25 - 75cm for planting and growth. (iii) Summer sunshine for ripening and harvesting (iv) Undulating relief with good drainage (v) Rich soils (volcanic in some places) (vi) Good transport network (vii) Availability of rivers for irrigation (viii) Availability of capital (ix) Availability of technical know-how (x) Shelter valleys for cultivation (xi) High demand internal and external (xii) Government support / encouragement in cash and kind (xiii) Use of advanced methods of cultivation e.g terracing (xiv) Introduction of refrigerated vessels for fruit exportation. Problems facing fruit farming in the Mediterranean Regions of Africa (i) Highly topography (ii) Poor soil in places (iii) Drought and sometimes frost (iv) Soil erosion particularly along steep hillsides (v) Inadequate storage facilities (vi) Improper processing and storage (vii) Competition (viii) Pests and diseases (ix) Over-production or glut. Contribution of fruit farming to the economic development of the Mediterranean Regions (i) Employment opportunities (ii) Provide foreign exchange earning (iii) Infrastructural development (iv) Provision of industrial raw materials (v) Provides revenue to government (vi) Provides income to vineyard owners (vii) Provides food for man (viii) It brings about improved health through dietary enrichment e.g vitamins (ix) Specialisation in viticulture (x) Development of allied industries e.g cork production (xi) It leads to growth of towns.