(b) Position of Africa — it is bounded in the North by the Mediterranean Sea
— North east by the Red Sea and Gulf and Aden
— East by the Indian Ocean West by the Atlantic Ocean
—Almost bisected by the equator into N and S and longitude 20E° into E and W.
— lies approximately between longitude 15°W and 50°F and latitude 35°S and 37°N
— separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea and from Asia by the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
— it is the most tropical of all the continents as 3/4 of it lies within the tropics (24 million km2)
(c) Size of Africa — second largest continent in the world
— area - about 31 million km2
— it is 2/3 the size of Asia
— stretches for a distance of 7000km east to west and 8000km north to south