(a) Name the instruments used in measuring the following: (i) Rainfall; (ii) Humidity (iii) Temperature (iv) Wind. (b) With the aid of a diagram, describe the instrument used to measure rainfall. (c) Explain how the instrument described in (b) above is used.
6. (a)-Name the instruments used in measuring the following: (i) Rainfall — Raingauge (ii) Humidity — Hygrometer (iii) Temperature — Thermometer (iv) Wind — Wind vane for direction — Cup counter anemometer for speed. (b) With the aid of a diagram, describe the instrument used to measure rainfall. The description of instruments. (i) Outer metal cylinder (ii) A funnel (iii) Luner container (iv) Measuring jar (c) The Rain gauge; The rain gauge is installed 30cm above the ground level to avoid water splash. The rain that falls each day is collected in the glass jar. The rain water enters the inner container/glass jar through a funnel. To prevent any water splash from entering the funnel, it is usually constructed in an open place away from trees and buildings. The rain water that falls into the container is emptied each day. It is measured in the calibrated measuring jar or read directly from the glass jar. The total rainfall for each month is added to get the monthly rainfall which is added at the end of the year to get the total rainfall for the year.