Describe either the Tropical Monsoon or the Cool Temperate Western Margin (British type) climatic region under the following headings
(a) Climate of cool temperate western margin (British type): The mean annual temperature is 13°C. The warmest month is 17°C while the coldest month is 4°C. Climate is very good for mental alertness and maximum comfort. Rainfall is between 600-800mm.
(b) Vegetation: Presence of deciduous forest - trees shed their leaves in the cold season to protect themselves against the winter snow and frost. Tempe-rate hardwood include oak, elm, ash, birch, beech horn bean, eucalyptus and horse chestnut.
(c) Human Activities, the main human activities are;
(i) Marketing and gardening Vegetable farms located in city centres where crops like cucumber, beet root, cauliflower, lettuce are cultivated
(ii) Mixed farming: Wheat barley are the main arable crops grown while cattle especially dairy, beef, cattle, sheep, pigs are reared