(b) Seasonal pattern of rainfall in Southern Nigeria; (i)
The long wet season - Rainfall starts in March till July when plants look green due to heavy rains and high humidity
The short dry season - Called the August break where there is little or no rainfall in the month of August
The short wet season- Starts from August ending October. The rainfall is not heavy as the first season
The long dry, or harmattan season -Starts around November till mid-March with cool and misty morning, hazy afternoon and a cold and dry evening. There is virtually no rainfall during this time.
(c) The effects of seasonal pattern of rainfall on farming activities include (i) it enables farmers to grow crops in a year
(ii) it enables farmers to grow tree crops because of heavy rainfall
(iii) Harvesting of crops is usually done especially during the dry season
(iv) Heavy rainfall however, discourages livestock farming because it does not favour grass growth.