Among rocks, I am the loose one, among arrows, I am the heart among daughters, I am the recluse, among sons, the one who dies young
What kind of repetition is used in the extract?
A. anaphora B. single word repetition C. line repetition D. phrase repetition
Correct Answer: A
The correct answer is A.
Explanation: Anaphora is a type of repetition where the same word or group of words is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. In the extract, "among" is repeated at the beginning of each clause:
- "among rocks, I am the loose one," - "among arrows, I am the heart," - "among daughters, I am the recluse," - "among sons, the one who dies young."
This repetition of "among" at the start of each clause is a classic example of anaphora.
Other options: - B. single word repetition: This would refer to the repetition of just one word without the structural pattern seen here. - C. line repetition: This would refer to repeating entire lines, which is not the case in this extract. - D. phrase repetition: While "among" is part of a phrase, the focus here is on the repeated beginnings, making it anaphora rather than general phrase repetition.