Recgnizing the need for objectivity in their work, the early report writers to develop a writing style which convey this attitude. They reasoned that the source of the subjective quality in a report is the human being. And they reasoned that objectivity is best attained by emphasizing the factual material of a report rather 5than the personalities involved. So they worked to remove the human being from their writing. Impersonal writing style was the result. By impersonal writing is meant writing in the third person-without I’s, we’s or you’s.   In recent years, impersonal writing has been strenuously questioned by many writers. These writers point out that personal writing is more forceful and direct than is impersonal writing. They contend that writing which brings both reader and writer into the picture is more like conversation and therefore more interesting. And the answer to the point on objectivity when written in personal style as when in impersonal style. Frequently, they counter with the argument that impersonal writing leads to an overuse of passive voice and a generally dull writing style. This last argument however lacks substances. Impersonal writing can and should be interesting. Any dullness it may have is wholly the fault of the writer. As proof, one has only to look at the lovely styles used by the writers for newspapers, news magazines and journals. Most of this writing is impersonal and usually it is not dull.   As in most cases of controversy, there is some merit to the arguments on both sides. There are situations in which personal writing is best. There are situations in which impersonal writing is best. And there are situations in which either style is appropriate. The writer must decide at the outset of his work which style is best for his own situation.   Her decision should be based on the circumstances of each report situation. First, he should consider the expectations or desires of those for whom he is preparing the report. More than likely he will find a preference for impersonal style for like most human beings; businessman has been slow to break tradition. Next, the writer should consider the formality of the report situation. If the situation is informal, as when the report is really a personal communication of information between business associates, personal writing is appropriate. But if the situation is formal, as is case with most reports, the conventional impersonal style is best.
Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?
A. most report writing is characterized bt the sparing use of the impersonal style B. the impersonal style helps to achieve a measure of objective in report writing C. the impersonal style has been widely acclaimed D. most writers use the impersonal style to achieve objectivity in their reports