(a)(i) List three classes of computer. (ii) Difference between Analog and Digital computers. (b) Mention two types of memory. (c) Give tw0 examples of secondary storage. (d) Convert 1.44MB to bytes.
(a)(i) (a) Mini computer (b) Main frame computer (c) Analog computer (d) Digital computer (e) Hybrid computer (ii) An analog computer is a computing machine that operates on data in form of continuously variable physical quantities. It can perform several mathematical operations simultaneously. It uses continuous variables for mathematical operations and utilizes mechanical or electrical energy. It is used for scientific and engineering purposes. It does not deal directly with numbers. It measures continuous physical magnitudes (e.g. temperature, pressure and voltage) which are analogous to the numbers under consideration. lt is very fast in operation as all the calculations are done in ' parallel mode'.It is very easy to get graphical results directly in using analog computer, however,the accuracy of analog computer is less.
(ii) Digital computer on the other hand use digital circuit and operate on two states namely bits 0 and 1. They are analogous to state ON and OFF. It is suitable for complex computation. It has higher processing speed and are programmable. It operates with information, numerical or otherwise represented in a digital fom. Digital computer processes data such as text,sound, graphic and video into a digital value in Os and 1s. Digital computer can give result with more accuracy and at a faster rate. An example of digital computer is the desktop PC.
(b)(i) Secondary Memory or Auxiliary Storage device Main or Primary Memory e.g. ROM, RAM. (c)(i) floppy disk. (ii) Compact disk. (d) 1024 bytes = 1kb 1024 KB = 1mb 1.44MB * 1024 = 1,440,000 bytes