(a) state five importance of personal selling to a business (b) Explain five reasons why communication is important to a business
(a)Importance of Personal Selling: (i) It is used to sell custom made or expensive/technical goods that need demonstration (ii) It is a public relations tool that can be used to improve the firms' image. (iii) It makes for two way communication which makes it possible for feedback. (iv) It is also used to introduce new products instead of embarking on intensive advertisement. (v) It is a form of promotion which encourages on the spot purchase by buyers. (vi) It helps the business to eliminate middle men and as a result stabilize price and avoid adulteration. (vii) It helps salesmen to tailor their sales presentation to fit the needs and behaviour of individual customers. (viii) It helps to arouse customers interest in the old products of the firm (ix). It increases the sales volume of the firm. (b) Importance of Communication to business: (i) Goods and services are made known to potential buyers through communication. (ii) Communication facilitates contact between buyers and sellers irrespective of distance. (iii) Demand for goods can be stimulated through effective communication. (iv) Information of government policies get to the business man through communication. (v) It facilitates mail order business and courier services. (vi) It facilitate payments for goods and service through money transfer. (vii) The whole world had been turn into a global village through the use of information and communication technology/international or foreign trade. (viii) It facilitates intra and inter departmental communication in the running of business/Dissemination of information within the organisation. (ix) Communication reduces risk and cost of traveling.