(b)Explain what the scale, sword and blindfold stand for in the figure of lady justice.
a. Definition of justice
Justice has to do with moral rightness based on ethics, religion, rationality, law, fairness and equity. It illustrates applications of the notion of proper balance: a fair trial, which among other things depicts neutrality and fairness between the ability of the defendant and prosecution to establish innocence and guilt respectively
b. The scale, sword and blindfold in the figure of lady justice
The scale:
the scale stand for weighing the claims and evidence presented by parties in dispute; balance and fairness in the weighing of those claims and evidence in order to arrive at a final ruling or judgment to ensure justice.
The sword:
the longish and double edged sword represents the enforcement measure of lady justice. It stands for her readiness to obligate faithfulness to her decision of reason and justice by both parties.
the size of the sword stands for readiness of lady justice to adjudicate on matters brought before the court without considering the colour, size, statue and other distinctiveness of parties in dispute. The double edged of the sword stand for readiness of lady justice to ensure justice without any predetermined consideration i.e, the sword could swing left or right.
The blindfold:
the blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, money, power, or weakness; blind justice and impartiality i.e decisions of objectivity and/or impartial decision or decision not influenced by wealth, politics, popularity or infamy.