(a) Trace the circumstances that led to the call of Deborah to battle with Jabin.
(b) Mention three ways women can contribute to national development.
I. The Israelites in the time of Joshua took a covenant/oath that they would not mix the worship of Yahweh with the worship of other gods.
ii. But, Israel defected from worshipping God alone and instead, served Baal and Ashtoreth, the gods of the Canaanites.
iii. Yahweh was displeased by this behaviour and thus, delivered Israel into the hands of their enemies who oppressed them severely and plundered them.
iv. Whenever they went to war, they were defeated as God had planned.
v. As a result of their suffering and punishment, the people prayed to God for deliverance from their oppressors.
vi. Yahweh was moved by the groaning of the oppressed Israelites and raised up Judges who delivered them from their enemies.
vii. However, when the Judges died, Israel went back to sin against God.
viii. Thus, the background to the call of Deborah followed a pattern of disobedience, punishment, prayer for forgiveness, and deliverance through one of the Judges.
ix. It was after the death of one of such Judges-(Ehud) that Israel sinned against God who gave them up to the Canaanite King- Jabin to oppress them for twenty years.
x. When Israel cried for mercy, God raised Deborah, a prophetess and a judge, to come to their rescue.
xi. Upon God's instructions, Deborah summoned Barak to gather 10,000 men at mount Tabor against Jabin and his army commander, Sisera.
xii. Deborah added that God had promised to give victory to Barak.
xiii. Barak, however insisted that he would go to the battle if only. Deborah went with him.
xiv. Deborah agreed but added that the victory would go to a woman.
xv. When Sisera heard that Israel had gone up to mount Tabor, he called up his men to fight Barak and Deborah, but the Canaanites were defeated.
xvi. After losing his entire army, Sisera fled on foot to the tent of Jael, the Kenite to seek asylum.
xvii. He was given hospitality but when he was asleep, Jael drove a peg into his throat with a hammer and killed him.
xviii. She presented his body to Barak who was pursuing Jabin.
xix. Jabin, the King of Canaan was also killed and the Israelites became free again and livel peacefully.
xx. This was in accordance with the principle of Deuteronomy that obedience to God leads to peace and prosperity, whereas disobedience leads to pain, suffering and defeat.
i. They are involved in social and religious activities. E.g evangelism
ii. Women are into politics and serve in government as MPs, etc.
iii. Women contribute to economic development as farmers etc.
iv. They can serve in various professions like medicine, banking, teaching, Law, army, Police, etc.
v. They are involved in rural and urban development.
vi. They are full time house wives involved in keeping the family together and bringing up children.
vii. There are women in soccer and other entertainments.