(a) Describe the mission of Peter in Lydda and Joppa .
(a) Describe the mission of Peter in Lydda and Joppa: Acts 9: 32-43:
(i) Peter, at Lydda met Aeneas, bedridden and paralyzed for eight years.
(ii) Peter said to him Aneneas, Jesus Christ heals you, rise and make your be
(iii)Aneneas rose immediately and the people seeing it turned to the Lord.
(iv) At Joppa, Peter met Tabitha who was full of good works and acts of charity.
(v) She fell sick and died.
(vi) Her body was laid in an upper room
(vii) The disciples called for Peter to come and raise her.
(viii) The widows were weeping, showing them the cloth she made for them.
(ix) Peter came, putting all outside, knelt and pray for her recovery.
(x) Peter then called her - "Tabitha arise", and she opened her eyes and sat up.
(xi) Tabitha was presented alive to the church/people
(xii) News of this spread throughout Joppa and many believed.
(xiii) He stayed in the house of Simeon, a tanner for some days.
(b) Lessons to be learnt from the mission:
(i) The Healing ministry in the Church/power of God in healing
(ii) members should be encouraged to care for one another as Dorcas was doing before her death.
(iii) The pray ministry of the Church is of immense importance.
(iv) The Gospel should be accompanied by signs and wonders
(v) The Church should be a growing Church, with new believers being added each time.