(a) Highlight the teaching of Paul on Christian giving as contained in Corinthians. [11 marks]
(a) 2 Corinthians 9:1-15:
(i) Paul was grateful to the Philippian Christians for their gift and their continued concern for his welfare.
(ii) Even in Thessalonica, they sent him gifts once and again.
(iii) He was particularly happy that their support was to be renewed through Epaphroditus who volunteered to visit Paul and take gifts to him.
(iv) The gifts were fragrant offering, a sacrifice pleasing and acceptable to God.
(v) He was also happy that of all the Macedonian churches, none, except the Phillippian church, was prepared to enter into partnership with him in giving and receiving.
(vi) He therefore prayed that God would provide their needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
(vii) Paul was not ready to repeat his appeal to the Corinthians to contribute to the saints for he knew their readiness to do so.
(viii) So he was proud of this and boasted of it to the people of Macedonia.
(ix) He therefore sent Titus and other brethren as forerunners to arrange the collections in advance to avoid disappointment.
(x) Paul said: He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly and vice versa.
(xi) Each one must make up his mind not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
(xii) He prayed God to give them in abundance so that they might have enough to provide for every good work.
(xiii) He believed that the Corinthian Christians "would be enriched by God in every way for the great generosity which will produce thanksgiving to God.
(xiv) He said that their offering would serve the needs of the saints who, in turn, would thank God on their behalf.
(xv) He observed that by their generous donations, they had acknowledged the gospel of Christ.
(xvi) And that the recipients would, in turn, desire to meet them while praying for them as God's grace had manifested in them.
(b) Ways people can benefit from giving:
(i) Joy of sharing with others — What God gives us freely, He expects us to share it with others.
(ii) Christian should realize, like Paul, that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
(iii) We should always give in appreciation that it was God who gave us all we have. When we give, it will be in appreciation of God's gift which is Jesus Christ.
(iv) We are rewarded when we give.
(v) God is never a debtor to anyone who gives.
(vi) Our special talents/gift can be used in serving others to improve their situation in life.