(a)(i)Outline Jeremiah's message about the sins of Judah.
(i) Jeremiah's message about the sins of Judah was that;
(i) Judah had ceased to be a faithful follower of God and a holy nation.
(ii) That the ancestors of the nation forsook the Lord.
(iii) They went after worthless gods and became worthless themselves.
(iv) They forgot God who had led them out of Egypt, through the wilderness and into a new land.
(v) When they entered the promised land, they defiled it.
(vi) They made God's heritage an abomination.
(vii) That the Priests forgot their God.
(viii) The teachers of the law did not know God.
(ix) The rulers transgressed against God.
(x) The prophets prophesied by Baal.
(xi) He said Judah forsook the fountain of living water.
(xii) They dug out cisterns for themselves which could hold no water.
(xiii) They made sinful alliance with other nations, forsaking the Lord their God.
(xiv) The fear of God was not found in them.
(xv) They worshipped other gods upon every hill under every green tree.
ii) Consequences of such sinfulness are that;
(i) Israel would be destroyed by another nation which would eat of their harvest.
(ii) Their children would be killed, flocks, herds, wines and fig trees eaten and cities destroyed.
(iii) There would be lack of water for men and animals and there would be no grass for animals.
(iv) There would be no rain in the land/drought.
(v) God would not hear their cry or accept their burnt offerings.
(vi) They would be destroyed by the sword, famine and pestilence.