(a) Narrate the second creation story.
(a) In the day that God made the earth and the heavens, the earth was covered with mist and water covered the whole face of the ground. Then, the Lord formed man out of the dust of the earth and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils. God planted the Garden of Eden and put man there. In addition to the garden, God caused trees to grow and provide shelter and a source of food to man. God also planted the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the midst of the garden. He caused a river, which was divided into four, to surround the garden and supply water to it. Man was given the liberty to till the garden and was also allowed to eat freely of the trees except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to avoid spiritual death. God saw the need to find a helpmate for man, since it is not good for man to stay alone. God gave man the authority to name beast, birds and all crawling animals he has created. God caused a deep sleep to befall man and made a woman out of his ribs for Adam. Man recognized his similarity with the woman and called her woman because she was created out of his rib.
(b) God provide comfort for man in the following ways:
(i) Provision of water to give constant supply to the garden.
(ii) Provision of trees, beasts and birds for food among others.
(iii) God also provided suitable environment in the garden of Eden.
(iv) He further gave them authority over all other creation, and also gave them names.
(v) God made a suitable partner for Adam in the person of 'Eve'.