If any one will not work, let him not eat'. Explain the circumstances which led to this statement.
One of the major themes dealt with by Paul in his letters was the second coming of Jesus Christ. He spoke of imminence of the great occasion and the need for Christians to lead a good life in readiness for Jesus at his second coming. Some Thessalonian Christians were led to the misconception that the Parousia was just around the corner. They felt there was, therefore, no need for them to exert themselves in further physical work, what mattered was to watch and pray. When Paul received the news that some Thessalonians had folded their hands and refused to work and that they had even constituted themselves into a nuisance for the others, by either preventing them from their work or by solely depending on them for their bread, he had to write to them in very strong terms in order to disabuse the minds of such lazy people. Paul said categorically that whoever refuses to work should not eat.
People should honestly help themselves to work, without eye-service, as if they were serving the Lord. He reminded them that when he was with them he was not parasitic, although he had the right to depend on them for his physical needs. He had worked with his own hands in order to maintain himself and be, for them, an exam worthy of emulation. It was therefore compulsory for the lazy to get down to work with their hands. But should they not heed his advice they should be boycotted to their shame. However, he warned that they should not be treated as enemies, but warned and re-directed with brotherly love, to retrace their steps and do the right thing.