(a) Describe the events that took place in Iconium and Lystra during the first missionary journery.
(a) Paul and Barnabas were forced to move to Iconium from Antioch of Pisidia because of the Jewish persecution. In Iconium, they preached to the people in the synagogue and there were many converts. Despite the many converts they made, the Jewish persecutors descended hard on them and they were forced to leave for Lystra where they continued their preaching. In Lystra, they met a man who had been a cripple from birth. When they saw that he had faith, Paul made him well. He started to walk for the rest of his life. The crowd was astonished at the miracle performed by Paul and Barnabas.
They decided to make sacrifices to them believing that they were gods incarnate. The apostles prevented them from carrying out their plan as it would amount to committing sin. The apostles tore their clothes and rushed into the crowd, convincing them that they were not gods but men like them and that they needed no sacrifices. They told them that what they were doing was just to spread the good news concerning Jesus Christ which would turn them away from their ignorance of the worship of God. Still in Lystra, Paul drew the attention of the people to the freedom that God allowed them in the past. He told them how God sent His son (Jesus) to the world to bring salvation to the whole world.
However, Paul could not prevent the people from offering the sacrifices to them. At this point, the Jewish persecutors came and stirred the people against them. Paul was stoned and dragged out of the city. They thought he was dead. The new converts in Lystra gathered around him; when he had recovered, they secretly led him back into the city.
(b) The attitudes.of the Jews, both in Iconium and Lystra could be said to be as follows:
(i) From Iconium and Lystra, the two cities that the apostles visited, the Jewish persecutors did not allow them to carry out their preaching as expected. The persecutors were after their lives. They stirred people against them, beat them, sent them away and prevented the people from hearing the word of God.
(ii) In Lystra, Paul was stoned to a state of coma. This shows the extent of opposition the apostles received, thereby preventing them from carrying out their preaching successfully.