(a) List two security risks in the catering industry (b) State four responsibilities of an employer regarding safety of workers (c) List two classes of fire
(a) Security risks in the catering industry (i) Theft (ii) Burglary (iii) Terrorism (iv) Assault (v) Robbery (vi) Fraud (vii) Arson (viii) Vandalism (ix) Prostitution (x) Drug trafficking (xi) Intruders (xii) Fire outbreak/Inferno. (b) Responsibilities of an employer regarding safety of workers- (i) Frequent maintenance of premises. (ii) Provide equipment that are safe to health. (iii) Issue a written statement of safety policy to employees. (iv) Provide supervision, information and training on safety practices. (v) Provide a monitoring device/Alarm to alert workers of any risk. (vi) Provide and maintain safety signage at the work place. (Vii) Provide personal protective equipment/Gears. (viii) Use colour codes, posters, labels and signs to warn employees of potential hazards. (c) Classes of fire (i) Class A (ii) Class B (iii) Cass C (iv) Class D (V) Class E (vi) Class F/K