Explain the following types of catering establishments: (a) Transport catering (b) Institutional catering; (c) Hospital catering; (d) Industrial catering.
of the following types of Catering Establishments: (a) Transport Catering:- This is the form of catering for people in transit. This type of catering includes railway catering, airline catering, marine catering, space catering and road/bus catering.
(b) Institutional Catering:- This is the form of catering done in schools, colleges and universities. In some schools, food vendors are given permission to operate within specific areas. The meal price may be subsidized or not.
(c) Hospital Catering:- This is the type of catering service provided in hospitals. In this type of service, efforts are made to pay attention to the special meals of patients.
(d) Industrial Catering-This type of catering service caters for staff in an establishment. The objective of this service is to enhance staff performance and it is given at a subsidized rate.