List and explain four types of catering establishmen.
(a)List and explanation of 4 types of catering establishment: (i) Hotels and restaurant (ii) Fast Food and Take Away (iii) Motels/Travel lodges (iv) The private Clubs (v) Transport catering (vi) Hospital Catering (vii) Institutional Catering (viii) industrial Catering.
*Hotels and restaurant: Hotels are residential and most of them provide breakfast, menu, dinners and snacks, ln some hotels conferences and banquets and parties will be an important part of the business. Unlike the hotels, restaurant do not offer accommodation but the provision of food and beverages.
*Fast tood and take away: They are concerned with the preparation and serving of food and beverages quickly for immediate sale to the customer for consumption either on or off the premises. Customer demand has resulted in the rapid growth of a variety of establishments offering a limited choice of popular food at a reasonable price, with little or no waiting time to be consumed either on"premises or take away.
*Motels/Travel lodges: They are sited near motorways and along roadsides. They focus on the business person who requires an overnight stop or the tourist who is on a driving holiday. They are reasonably priced, they consist of a room and maybe with tea and coffee making facilities.
*The private clubs: They are administered by a secretary or manager apponted by a management committee formed from club members. Good foods with an informal service are required in most clubs. Night clubs, casinos, licensed- house(pub) usually have the type of service associated with this restaurant trade.
*Transport catering: It includes road, rail, sea and air. It usually involves the feeding of a large number of customers arriving together at a certain time and who need to be catered for at a specific time.
*Hospital catering: It has been grouped under welfare and object of catering in hospitals is to assist the medical staff ( Doctors, Nurses etc) to get the patient better as soon as is necessary to provide good quality food, to cook with minimum loss of nutritional value and to present to the patient in an appetizing manner.
*Industrial catering: It is the policy of many large companies to provide catering facilities for employees as it has been realized that productivity and efficiency are related to the welfare and wellbeing of the workers.
*Institutional catering: This includes schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, prisons. In some of these establishments, no charge is made to certain groups of customers. The provision of food and beverage services are partially or completely subsidized by various government funds.