(a) Explain the following terms: (i) first aid (ii) artificial respiration (iii) dislocation (iv) haemorrhage (b) (i) State three objectives of first aid. (ii) Explain the procedure for administering the mouth-to-mouth method of artificial respiration. (c) (i) State three signs of dislocation. (ii) Name two ways of stopping bleeding from an open wound.
(a)(i) First aid is referred to as the assistance given to a victim of accidents or sudden illness in order to prevent worsening of condition before employing the services of a qualified doctor or physician. (ii) Artificial respiration involves the supply of air or oxygen to the lungs of a suffocating person to restore normal breathing or a method of resuscitating a person who suffers from asphyxia or lack of oxygen. (iii) Dislocation is the shifting or displacement of bones from joints or can be referred to as when bones forming a joint are displaced from their original positions. (iv) Haemorrhage is the escape or loss of blood or bleeding from a cut or punctured blood vessel. (b) (i) The objectives of first aid are: . (1) To sustain life (2) To save life or regain consciousness (3) To reassure the victim of life (4) To prevent the worsening of a condition of infection (5) To reduce pain. (ii) The procedures for administering mouth-to mouth artificial respiration are: (1) Lie victim on the back and loosen all tight wears. (2) Tilt the head back as far as possible and pull jaw forward to open the mouth. (3) Ensure that you examine the mouth and pharynx well to remove any obstacles. (4) Then open your mouth wide and place over the mouth of victim. (5) Close victim's nostrils by pinching his nose with one of your hands. (6) Take deep breath and blow in air gently (10 to 12 times a minute) into the victim's lungs until there is chest movement. (c) (i) Signs of dislocation are: (1) Pain at the affected joint (2) Swelling or tenderness around the affected joint (3) Loss of function of the affected limb or loss of normal movement (4) Deformity or abnormal appearance at the affected joint. (ii) Ways of stopping bleeding from an open wound include
direct pressure on the wound pressure at the pressure point use of iodine solution or methylated spirit use of bandage, use of tourniquet.